Residential Lawn Maintenance

Expert Residential Lawn Care

Transform your home’s outdoor space into a pristine, inviting oasis with Harold’s Landscape & Maintenance. Our comprehensive residential lawn maintenance services in Cotati, CA, are designed to cater to every aspect of your lawn care needs, ensuring your property is always at its best. With over 45 years of experience, our family-owned business brings expertise, dedication, and a personal touch to each project, ensuring unmatched quality and care. Harold’s Landscape & Maintenance in Cotati, CA, can be reached at 707-795-3390.

Our Residential Lawn Maintenance Services

Lawn Service: Our expert team provides meticulous lawn care, ensuring your grass is healthy, vibrant, and beautifully maintained. We adjust our techniques and schedules according to the season and your lawn’s needs, guaranteeing optimal health and growth throughout the year.

Weed Control: We understand that weeds can be more than just an eyesore; they can also harm your plants and lawn by competing for nutrients and sunlight. Our thorough weeding services ensure your garden beds and lawn remain free from unwanted plants, promoting a healthier, more attractive outdoor space.

Edging: Precision edging is critical to a neat lawn. Our edging services clearly define the boundaries between your lawn and garden beds, driveways, and walkways, creating a crisp, clean look that enhances the overall appearance of your property.

Cutting Hedges: Regular hedge trimming keeps your landscape well-maintained and supports the health and growth of your hedges. Our skilled team carefully shapes and trims your hedges, ensuring they complement your landscape’s design and aesthetic.

Flexible Lawn Care Scheduling 

Weekly or Biweekly Services: Our flexible scheduling options include weekly or biweekly visits to accommodate your needs and ensure your lawn remains impeccable. Regular maintenance is the key to a healthy, vibrant lawn and garden.

One-Time Cleanups: Whether you’re looking to refresh your lawn for the season or clear overgrowth after being away, our single cleanup services are perfect for returning your outdoor space to its best. We provide comprehensive cleanups that include lawn care and maintenance, leaving your property looking its finest.

Experience the Lawn Care Difference

At Harold’s Landscape & Maintenance, we’re not just a service provider; we’re your partner in creating and maintaining a beautiful, welcoming home environment. Our dedication to excellence and our love for landscaping means that every task we undertake is done with the utmost care and professionalism.

We invite you to experience the difference that professional, family-owned lawn care can make for your property. Contact us today at 707-795-3390 to discuss your lawn maintenance needs and schedule your service. Let us help you enjoy a more beautiful, stress-free outdoor living space.

Get Your Lawn Care Estimate Today

(707) 795-3390
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